Zentraler Informatikdienst

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Video Conference Room B4 (EN)

Please switch on the Samsung Flip in the lower right corner (bottom).

Now click on the small arrow pointing downwards to get to the selection menu.

Select “PC”

Select “HDMI”

In order to display the picture in full screen mode, please click on the symbol similar to the “mouse pad” and then select the symbol shown on the right (blue filled window)


The device is already registered with its own ZOOM user account.

Accordingly, it is not necessary to log in with another ZOOM account

Then you have the picture in full screen mode and can now minimize the lower bar by clicking the arrow to the right.

In order to be able to dial into a meeting, either select the person (s) directly from the company directory displayed on the picture.

Or you can dial into the meeting using the Meetings ID and the associated password.