Setting up call forwarding from home can only be made with a VPN connection.
Instructions for installing and setting up the VPN client.
Open in your web browser.
Enter your p-number as the user name and your university password as the password.
Go to “Anrufumleitung” under “Telefone” and tick “Alle Anrufe umleiten an”.
Then enter the desired telephone number to which you want to forward the calls in the field next to it.
After you have clicked “Speichern”, the process is complete and your calls are forwarded.
Important: If you want to divert your calls to a phone outside the university, you must first enter +43 and the area code of the federal state in front of the actual number. If you want to redirect to a cell phone, the area code of the cell phone provider is sufficient.
You have several options for specifying the numbers:
• 00043664…
• +43664….
• 00664……